Monday, June 13, 2011

A New Home

I have relocated and am finally settled in New York! I will be doing my post-doctoral work at the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) using advanced bioinformatics tools to study lichen ecology and evolution with Richard C. Harris and James C. Lendemer. Here is my new address:

International Plant Science Center
The New York Botanical Garden
2900 Southern Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10458-5126

NYBG has an amazing research program that is not typical for a botanical garden. The departments within the International Plant Science Center include the following: Institute of Systematic Botany, Cullman Program for Molecular Systematics, Plant Research Laboratory, NY Plant Genomics Consortium, Steere Herbarium, Graduate Studies, Mertz Library, and NYBG Press (plus more). My research will likely connect in some way with all of these departments, which is why NYBG is a perfect environment for my post-doctoral research.

Those who have been following my research closely might say "obviously you study diverse organisms from across the tree of life, but since when do you study plants?" Since the concept of "plants" once included fungi, the "plant" research program at NYBG (which began taking shape over 100 years ago) provides amazing resources for the study of fungal biology as well. Of course, I will specifically be focusing my energy on the lichen-forming fungi.

Please stay tuned for more on my research as it unfolds in New York City!

- Brendan

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